In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate. Peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his family, and all his companions.

Allah the Almighty says: “The Most Merciful taught the Qur'an, created man, and taught him speech.” [Surah Ar-Rahman: 1-4]. Indeed, Allah has blessed us with great bounties, the greatest of which is the intellect, the tool of contemplation.

One philosopher famously said, "I think, therefore I am." From this perspective, creativity and entrepreneurship lie in being different in our perception of the world around us and in reaching a level of awareness that enables us to transform contemplation into ideas, and from there into creative projects that move from theoretical to practical application.

Yes, we are still struggling to break free from the circle of consuming societies. So, what is the way out?

Societies fail when they are unable to nurture and develop human potential, and when they do not work towards creating a productive mind capable of transforming raw materials into products. Only then can we answer the aforementioned question.

We can turn to nature and consider how a seed, by the power of its potential, can grow, blossom, and bear fruit. Only then can we say that we have set our feet on the right path to creating a productive mind.

An idea is somewhat like a seed; it needs a suitable climate, good soil, and protection from unfavorable conditions that would hinder its vital functions.

If we can think in this way, nurture ideas and their creators, and work on providing the conditions in which these ideas can grow and blossom, we will indeed reach—or can reach—a productive society.

Japan serves as a model for us. It lacks 75% of the raw materials on which its industrial economy is built, yet it possesses the third-largest economy in the world.

Dr. Masoud Omar
Director of the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Center