After assuming his duties as the Director of Faculty Affairs at Sabratha University, Dr. Rabee Alwan Yahya held his first meeting in the university’s conference room with the heads of faculty offices in the colleges. The meeting was attended by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Academic Affairs, Dr. Rajab Al-Tabini, and the Director of the Graduate Studies Department, Dr. Adel Yahya.

Part of the meeting was also attended by the University President, Professor Salem Al-Huraishi, who emphasized in his speech the importance of the role of faculty offices in the success and smooth operation of the educational process. He wished Dr. Rabee and all those involved in faculty affairs at the university success in their endeavors.

After welcoming the attendees, the meeting proceeded to discuss several agenda items, including:

▪️ Presenting the communication mechanism with the administration and clarifying the administrative affiliation of the faculty offices in the colleges. ▪️ Establishing a schedule for the heads of offices in the colleges, in coordination with the University’s Faculty Affairs Department, to review faculty-related procedures. ▪️ Setting a date to begin preparing the teaching load for faculty members in the colleges. ▪️ Reviewing and approving Form (4) related to the data of faculty members and teaching assistants. ▪️ Any other business.