With all feelings of sadness and grief, we followed what happened to our people in the cities and regions of the eastern region of B.C
الرئيسية 9 NEWS 9 With all feelings of sadness and grief, we followed what happened to our people in the cities and regions of the eastern region of B.C
With all feelings of sadness and grief, we followed what happened to our people in the cities and regions of the eastern region of B.C

With all feelings of sadness and sadness, we followed what happened to our people in the cities and regions of the eastern region of our country as a result of the torrential rains. With this great tragedy and with hearts that believe in God’s will and destiny, the Sabratha University family moves forward with the warmest sympathy. Condolences and sympathy to the families of the victims, whom we consider to be martyrs before God, asking God Almighty to redress their harm, heal their wounds, and return the missing to their families, safe and sound, with your glory and power, O Most Merciful of the Merciful.

#feelings #sadness #grief #happened #people #cities #regions #eastern #region #B.C
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